We all wish to have a good year, for things to go smooth the whole year through, for every good thing to come to us.
We want to continually grow and become mature in Christ. And this is the desire that we have for the school as we start another school year.
The Teachers and Staff retreat took place last June 28 to 29, 2021. This year’s theme is Delight in the Lord. There are many ways where we can delight ourselves in the Him: through our devotion to Him; in nurturing relationships and in the different ministries and roles assignments given to us.
The retreat was like a fresh rain pouring down from heaven quenching the parched and weary spirits of the teachers.
What does it mean to delight in the Lord?
The consciousness of our sinfulness will really bend us on our knees and acknowledge that we are in need of His grace and forgiveness. Delighting in Him means seeking His will in our lives and committing to live a life pleasing to Him.
This pandemic lockdown taught us a lot of things. We realize that we need God in our lives and that we are hopeless without His presence. And for most of us we begin to value our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Delighting ourselves in Him means flooding the dry, weary places of our hearts with His presence. We need to open our hearts and delight in the love of the Holy Father.
It will soon be our longing that God’s desires for us will be the desires of ourselves, that we take pleasure in Him and that our hearts truly find peace and fulfillment in Him. When we truly rejoice or “delight” in the eternal things of God, our desires will begin to parallel His and we will never stray away from Him.
All the material things and the worldly wealth that we so carefully amassed and guarded can never bring us the joy and satisfaction. They can never satisfy our deepest longings but if we choose to delight ourselves in Him, we find ourselves never wanting for so much because He will always provide above and beyond our expectations.
Psalms 37:4 “Delight yourselves in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart”. May we continually to seek His presence and take pleasure in savoring His goodness.