For what it is now, we have so many reasons to be thankful for!

Early in the 1950’s the prayer and mission of Bacolod Trinity Christian Church consistory was to be blessed with a school whose vision was to win souls for Christ, a ministry that will provide true Christian and useful learning for the good of mankind and to the glory of the Lord Almighty.

 It was only in 1976 that the dream was translated into reality and the school was established with Mrs. Lin-Ai Gomes as the first principal with an initial 70 kindergarten enrollees.

The first building was located at the church compound at Corner Rosario San Sebastian Streets. The school population grew every year and in 1983, a three-hectare lot in the open space of Villa Angela Subdivision was acquired which is now the present site of the school.

From then on, the school population grew in number and along the years were also the achievement of the students and the teachers.

With the growing population comes the need for more classrooms, laboratories, function rooms and assembly halls. These were all achieved through the effort of the Board of Trustees and the generous patrons of the school.

The 3-hectare campus now houses functional laboratories, a little theater, classrooms, chapel, auditorium, modern libraries, activity center. A little forest serves as the haven of Trinitarians against the heat of sun while the school grounds serves as the practice field for the football and other ball games.

Moving forward to 45 years later, the school has made so many milestones like producing top notch students who are successful in various fields of endeavor like medicine and business.

Through the years, TCS has its share of international laurels with Trinitarians winning mathematical Olympiads outside of the country.

The TCS Sports Program has produced competitive athletes along the years, mostly by training them at a young age and allowing them to join interschool sports competition not solely for the reason of winning but to encourage the spirit of sportsmanship and building a healthy lifestyle and sound mind.

To date, the school has excelled in sports with many of its students achieving national and international sports distinction awards.

In 45 years, the school has accomplished much and in the coming years, it will be accomplishing more. But what stands out is really producing students who have Christ in their hearts, who have established a personal relationship with the Lord Almighty.

There will be scheduled activities for every department.  Trinitarians – let us all watch out for these and looking forward to celebrate these good times with you!