Merry Christmas!
It’s the time of the year where everyone is busy with a lot of things as Christmas time is drawing close. For some it means relatives and loved ones coming home for the celebration, running from store to store with a never-ending list of groceries and presents to buy, parties and more parties, and a lot more.
With the busyness of the season, we tend to forget the reason why we celebrate in the first place. We can be caught up with the celebration that we find it impossible to thank God for sending His son to die for our sins when the season demands so much from us.
It is then important to remind ourselves to focus on the true meaning of the season.
Instead of having a big Christmas party, Trinitarians opted to have a simple one and contributed money to spread the holiday cheers to their selected recipients. It brought so much joy to them as they shared their material blessings to them.
The Supreme Trinitarian Council (STC) spread love and blessed the Sakadas one early morning. The food packages were collected from the donation of Trinitarians and their parents.
The Christmas celebration was made complete by the Christmas Worship celebration done by each department. Trinitarians listened to the messages, sung songs of worship and just spent the moment pondering on the meaning of Christmas.
Teachers and Staff also had their own fellowship lunch after which the worship service followed.
It is very important to remember why we have the celebration in the first place. Jesus Christ is the reason for the season, thus we need to put Him first place in our celebration.
May we continue to fill our hearts and minds with God’s presence and never forget to share our blessings to others.
The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him ‘Emmanuel’, which means ‘God with us.’ Matthew 1:23.