JHS Department Holds Yearly Bible Retreat

As part of strengthening the Christian faith journey and character of Trinitarians, a yearly retreat for the Junior High School students were held during the month of February 2023. For this year it was held during the 3rd and 4th week of the said month.
Students and teachers alike joined together to worship the Lord. They participated in trust-building exercises and group dynamics, shared their reflections and most important of all, spent time learning God’s word.
Students were cut off from all forms of social media and other distractions for them to truly focus on the Lord and to learn more about Him.
Several pastors and other lay ministers were invited as resource persons.
Character development of students has been one of the major aspects that the school really wants to give importance to. With the growing influence of social media, students’ focus on their studies are really affected as well as their relationship with their parents and loved ones, peers and other authority. Not only this, but students are also experiencing other challenges in their lives that the motivation to go to school and to study decreases.
So many circumstances put a lot of pressure in them that if not addressed will create a detrimental result in their lives. That’s why there is a need to pause and take a breather from all these concerns.
Yearly Bible retreats offer Trinitarians many benefits that lead to spiritual and personal growth. The said activity creates ways to lower their stress level and to discover a new level of calm. It is also about finding themselves once again by finding God and renewing a close and personal relationship with Him. Retreats also give them chances to create meaningful connections with their classmates.
The activity fell into two categories. First there was the spiritual nourishment through praise and worship in which students sang, prayed together and studied God’s word. They were given the chance to share their faith experiences and their journey with God together.
The second category was character and relationship building through games, discussions and reflections.
Teachers and other school staff served as facilitators of the activity.