To the entire community of Trinity Christian School, we warmly welcome you all to the new school year. From our youngest pupils in the preschool department and to our students in their final stages of their Trinitarian journey, we usher you in with warm hugs. Welcome our new students and their parents! You are joining a great and amazing community
To our old students, may you all be excited to come to school and reignite your passion for learning. It has been 3 years since the Covid Pandemic and until now we still feel its strain. And though it may not be completely over, our way of dealing and living with it has completely changed. From the purely online classes, we will be transitioning to more days of face-to-face classes. This will bring back more interactions with classmates and friends. Isn’t this going to be fun?
Starting the new school year can bring about a mix of emotions – from excitement to anticipation and many more. That’s why it is important to set a positive attitude, that no matter how challenging the year will be, it will still be exciting and full of learning.
So, let’s welcome the new school year with open arms. Soar high Trinitarians!