Deuteronomy 10:20-21
Fear the Lord your God and serve Him. Hold fast to Him and take your oaths in His name. He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.
August 11.2023. It has been a tradition to open the new school year with a school wide worship service. Attended by the students and their parents, guests, teachers and staff of the school, the service was made meaningful through songs of praise and worship, messages, testimonies and reading of memory verses.
Having a deep and personal relationship with God is what we direly need today. In these very challenging times, we encounter so many troubles – from broken relationships, financial crisis, natural calamities, lost jobs and opportunities, conflicts and the list go on; we need to have someone whom we can seek solace to from these stormy blasts.
Psalm 46: 1 says “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble”. We need to turn to our loving God to shelter us from the fiery darts of the enemy. But first we need to do something with our relationship with Him. It should not be “Lord give me this, Lord protect me” kind of prayer but we need to acknowledge that He has supreme power over us and that we need His protection. We need to fear Him; but not the kind of fear that will keep us cowering at the corner but that kind of reverence and devotion to Him.
When we hold fast to Him, we revere Him, we serve Him, we love Him, and we turn over our lives to Him. We must be faithful in serving Him. We should hold on to his statutes and hide them in our hearts.
When we fear and hold fast to Him, He will draw near to us. The more we seek Him, the more we get His attention.
Trinity Christian School has so much to speak about God’s goodness. The school went through many challenges from the past especially being faced with a decreased student population at the height of the Covid pandemic. And yet, the more the school is hard-pressed, the more it clings to God, never letting go of worshipping and acknowledging Him in every school endeavour.
And the school has been blessed in so many ways. He performed great and awesome wonders that the school couldn’t help but stand in awe and adoration of His great works to the school.
For this school year, the school desires to have more of His presence.
We may never know what the new school year holds for us. That’s why we need to have more of Him. When we stand on the sure foundation, we get the assurance that He is with us all throughout our journey.