The excitement was just too much that many were not able to sleep fitfully that night in anticipation for the coming event. Finally, dawn started to show its first light and Trinitarians flocked the TCS campus as early as 4am to join the fun run 2023.
Set last December 6, 2023, there were 1400 registered participants coming from the preschool, elementary and high school departments together with their family members and those individuals who are fun run enthusiasts. With many different reasons, all these individuals graced the event with so much excitement.
The activity started at around 5am and finally the runners joined in the fun by 5:30 am. The school grounds and its surrounding were filled with blissful noise as all participants participated in the 1k, 3k, 5k and 10k events. Indeed, everyone had a good time.
Spearheaded by the TCS Alumni Association in coordination with Batch 98 and the STC, this fun run event is organized as a call of unity for all alumni to join and support their alma mater’s projects and to link the school with the Trinity churches like the mother church (Bacolod Trinity Christian Church at San Sebastian- Lacson St., Trinity Christian Fellowship and Alijis Trinity Community Church.
The awarding of winners and the Zumba time followed.
This is also a fund-raising campaign and proceeds of the event will support school development projects.
Walking down memory lane, this activity has been going on for years, particularly set to kick off the school’s founding anniversary every year. However, due to Covid pandemic, the event has been stalled for several years and is finally organized again this year.
We thank all participants and our sponsors who supported the event and to God be the glory for making all things possible.